

I still have a major crush on my husband.

I have been blessed with two little girls (Ellie and Kira) and and two little guys (Jax and Josiah).

I am a foster mom (so I get other little blessings to love on too).

I am a wedding photographer.

I love making chocolate chip cookies… and cupcakes… and well anything sweet.

I sing and dance while cleaning the house, it’s way more fun that way.

I love traveling to different places.

Going to the beach makes me feel alive.

I hate running, but do it every week.

I write run on sentences like a champ.

I am still trying to figure out this thing we call life, one day at a time. I know I couldn’t do it without my Heavenly Father.


Wanna get in touch?

You can send me an email at capturedjen@gmail.com


  1. Jess Laing says:

    Hey Jenny! I adore your most recent post. Praise The Lord for the news about your son, Jax. I’ve been following your blog posts and journey through fostering. This was a tear jerker read (happy tears of course) and forwarded your blog to a friend who’s family is praying about starting their fostering journey.

    Thanks for sharing. Been praying for that beautiful boy’s future. So happy for you and your family! ❤

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